To all,
Invitation Wintermeeting Saturday 21th of March 2015 at Drachten
Our stretchgoal was to organize an extraordinary basic but cozy Wintermeeting at the historical Van der Werff shipwharf in Buitenstvallaat (close to Drachten).
Wharfboss Haiko is working there with his craftsmen on great maintenance -and restorationprojects of the Alcyone’s Caecilia, Harmonie and Majella.
Something unique nowadays or not?
That’s why we had some hope to meet, greet and eat there with all our friends of the Circle in a very special Alcyone-setting!
But -luckily for Haiko and the more’s the pity for us- both sheds are so completely filled off with ships, steel parts, masts and so on,
there really isn’t the possibility to create a smooth accommodation for us to have a pleasant dinnerbuffet there.
Of course we will visit the wharf and have a guided tour with a lot of interesting details about all the work they have done already and still have to do at
the Gunning-yachts. So don’t worry about that part, but for dinner we must change our plans and found already an other safety harbor for all our friends!
Final program
15.30-16.00 : coffee or tea at ’t Smelnehûs, Moleneind NZ 14, 9203 ZP Drachten
16.15-17.15 : tour shipyard, we can drive to Buitenstvallaat with less cars!
18.00-21.30 : Buffet Restaurant Grand Café ’t Smelnehûs
Follow up book ‘Alcyone Odyssee’, plans Summermeeting/Rally
The following 20 guests signed in already:
Avalon Arjen en Rienkje van Boekel; Zeekoet II Frans en Annemarie Kemme; Harmonie Klaus en Elgin Gerdts; Fons en Helene Valentijn;
Vita Nova familie van ’t Hull; Sayonara Dirk en Marieke van Slooten; Woest maar Kalm Bert en Janneke Glazenburg;
Vrouwezand Marco Eichhorn en Maria Slobbe; Adriana van Texel Peter en Henk-Jan Hoogenberk.
But for making a definitive buffet reservation we need to know how many of us in totally will be present at the Wintermeeting.
So, please confirm a.s.a.p. if you (with number of dinning guests) will join this very special Wintermeeting in Drachten with us.
We hope to meet all of you and have a great time at the wharf and in ’t Smelnehûs.
- Restoration Alcyone II Majella
Shipyard O.H. van der Werff at Buitenstvallaat, February 9th 2015
Kindest regards,