Winter- and Summermeeting 2019
Most Gunning-yachts are in wintershed already, so now we may focus making inspiring plans for next season.
First of all some innercircle information about ships and members.
Casper Pronk is working very hard on total restauration of Alcyone II (the first prototype made for Max Gunning himself, launched in 1957, because Julie Gunning only would sail with Max for longer time if she could look outside sitting in the living) at Buitenstvallaat nearby Drachten in the old farmshed of Mast Yachtpainters. He is doing a great job! After the ship was sandblasted in spring from deck to bottem, she directly has been coated with 125 Mu Interprime 820. After that Casper himself grounded and coated during the last months his ship furtheron with International 2 K Interprime 820 and 2K Interprotect primers to 400 Mu, the best professional (underwater)paintingsystem you can get. There is a lot of work to do now inside and outside of the ship, but still Casper is very optimistic: his mainplan is sailing next year with us on costal waters.
Zeekoet II of Frans and Annemarie Kemme lays on the shipyard of Haiko van der Werff also at Buitenstvallaat; she gets new steel underwater where that’s needed, will be partly sandblasted for that reason. Haiko will paint the ship after that.
Vita Nova of van ‘t Hull family has been donated to friends on terms that Joost may use her when he wants. Joost could not longer combine the maintenance of Vita Nova on his own, now Henk has passed away: they always did that together.
The good news is that Joost will not leave us and conitinue as vice president of the Alcyone Circle.
Adriana van Texel of family Hoogenberk is for sale, remindful our actor and minstrel Peter! The ship is docked at Buitensvallaat waiting at a new owner.
Ida Scheltema had surgical treatment and will move to a care included appartment in Bloemendaal around this time. This summer she sold Dieuwertje and her house in Lelystad. Let’s say she is coming home again; in her childhood she grows up at Haarlem on the Spaarne.
Wintermeeting Saturday 16th of February 2019 at Castle De Essenburgh
Our last meeting in Kasteel de Essenburgh at Hierden with a low budget night over with buffet and breakfast was a great succes. We would repeat that cosy and relaxed formule, also because Hierden is in the middle of Holland. For reservation and final booking it is needed that we got a.s.a.p. your participation on this special event. Please mail number of persons for buffet and a night over. The room-rates are around €79 pro night, we will try to get some discount. The costs of the Alcyone-Buffet are around €30 p.p. Program: arriving from 16.30 hours pm with tea or coffee, dinner from 18.30 pm. We will ask Bert Glazenburg to tell during dinner about his stunning adventures sailing thousands of miles to Botnic Gulf visa versa with foto’s and perhaps some short filmshots. Also Klaus Gerdts about his dream coming out sailing to England/London. During dinner we also may diskuss Summermeeting.
Summermeeting/Rally, starting Friday 5th of July 2019 at Lauwersoog
It would be nice making a Rally to the Ostfriesische Waddenislands again, sailing together from Lauwersoog to Wangeroog enjoying Waddenexperience with our loved hybride Gunningyachts. Who will help organizing this tour?

Marmara July 2018
Kindest regards,
Arjen van Boekel & Joost van ‘t Hull
Board Alcyone Circle