Letter to the Circle – Mr. Michael Jacobs – February 23th, 1979

23 Feb 1979


Please find enclosed my dues $4.00.  “Carapace” had a leisurely cruise of 2500 miles from Lake Champlain to Florida and the Bahamas.  Shoal draft makes her ideal fro cruising the shallow water of the Florida Keys. “Cruising World” magazine will publish an article about her in the near future which I wrote. – “The Ideal Cruiser!”  Members may be interested.

Will lay Carapace up in April and go to Athens where I will pick up “Sesame”, John Shedd, and sail her back to West Indies for him.

Michael C. Jacobs
Box 66 Browns Trace
Jericho, CT 05465

PS Met Koet and Caravelle en route and had pleasant visits with both.