Taking a retrospective view of our relaxed and cozy Wintermeeting last weekend at the stunning landed estate De Kippenburg, we may conclude everyone had a great time there, high-lighted by enjoying a 3-course dinner with delicious wild salmon and roe fawn. Thanks a lot Michiel for hunting, Relinde for preparing and Casper for the finishing touch to make it a reepeper. You did a great job!

All guests without Dirk, Frans and Annemarie, arriving later on at De Kippenburg

Michiel Schepers speeching in the kitchen downstairs; the place to be…

Enjoying our fine dinner
Summermeeting weekend Saturday 27 th of June 2020 at Lauwersoog
Please let us know a.s.a.p. if you shall participate. Ships coming together in the yachting harbour inside waters (Noordergat or Zwarte Wijf) or outside the sluice, we will communicate that later on. This year no rally for several days to different destinations. Sail in on Friday eve or Saturday morning, leaving on Sunday.
*Saturday morning around 11.00 hours a.m. palaver on board of restaurated and repainted Sayonara, our mothership for so many years.
Note for Dirk/Joost: perhaps Joost could organize it to offer a helpin hand sailing Sayonara from Woudsend to Lauwersoog or being a captaincrew-member on Saturday.
*In the afternoon we’ll sail with our Gunningfleet a track on Lauwersmeer or on Waddensea.
*We shall have an Alcyone Circle Buffet together on Saturday eve somewhere in Lauwersoog, probable Het Booze Wijf, around 18.00 hours p.m.
*On Sunday as usual there will be no real program or obligations, so feel free to do what you like. There always is a possibility that members can sail on Monday together to Schiermonnikoog or German Wattfahrwasser starting holiday or whatever, but not as an organized Rally of Alcyone Circle!
Kindest regards,
Arjen van Boekel & Joost van ’t Hull
Board Alcyone Circle